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Unlawning America: A Call To Inaction

Transforming unused mowed lawns into pollinator friendly meadows

Unlawning America is an ongoing art and ecology project examining the culture, history and ecological impact of lawns. The primary goal of the project is to inspire people to rethink and reshape the mediated landscapes of the places we live and work. I start with the question, “How much lawn do we really need?” Information and visual materials are presented to inspire people to shift away from the unquestioned habit of continuous lawn mowing. The project subtitle, “A Call to Inaction,” refers to the ease of making the ecologically beneficial change from mowed lawns to pollinator friendly meadows. By simply reducing or eliminating mowing in places we don’t use for recreation, and by not using herbicides, pesticides or fertilizers, we can save money, time and resources. This change can also make significant, measurable improvements to our local ecosystems and our own health.

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"-Brian D Collier, Founder and President of The Society for a Re-Natural Environment